3 things winning women do (they don’t wash their men)

We love hearing from you. And we are open to listening to more – email us, tweet us, do what you feel. One of the things you, our reader, tell us is that we help you become better. We share with you so many direct paths to winning.

On our website, you’ll find technical assistance in the form of seminars, trainings and workshops. There are mentorship and networking initiatives if all you need is a little advice. Even if you want money, we share opportunities to receive grants plus seed, debt and equity funding.

If you like working a little bit harder so you can take all your credit, check out our startup and list articles. There are a lot of best practices on running a small business. And if you are still 50-50 about making that big step in your life, read the experiences of other Kenyan women, like you, and know all is possible.

All this is because there are few better feelings than winning. It should be your daily experience.

We’ll be honest and admit that we’re a little bit envious of the people getting to win Maisha Ni Mpesa Tu apartments. We’ve accumulated a lot of points sending and receiving money through Mpesa. We basically only ever use Paybill and Buy Goods to pay for things. We dial *444*0# everyday to confirm points. Where is our apartment Safaricom? Haha.

But we’ll bide our time because there are still four more houses to be won. The third went to Jennifer Kathure, a dealer from Meru:

We’ll bide our time.

There are still other ways to winning in life. What do you think about washing your man? Too much? Do these 4 proven activities instead.

1. Set standards

One thing that makes you stressed is diminishing your own accomplishments over the successes of a friend or an enemy. It’s good to benchmark yourself against those who have done better. You want to challenge yourself, no? But your standards should always be in the context of improving your own situation. If you are giving your best and realizing improvements you want in your life, good job you can relax. And by god, stop comparing yourself to people on TV and social media. Their day job is literally to be better than us, haha.

2. Force the agenda

Many times people are not going to see what you see. Things are not going to fall in place either. What do you do? Wallow in self-pity? Rage quit? I believe your confidence and persistence won’t allow that. Do exactly what you’re thinking – force the agenda. Be proactive in changing your situation. Nobody is asking you to turn Kenya into Switzerland or Japan, just building pavements will do a lot of good.

3. Have a plan “B”

It’s okay. You can make weekend plans with people and then change your mind when the day arrives. Adjusting to changes is one of the marginal things that make some people better than other people. It proves that you are a real planner. It shows that you are a positive person. And that you have a get-on-with-it attitude.

Do you meet these winning qualities in your day-to-day life? What gives you the hardest time? Let us know in the comments below.