entrepreneurs should read

5 books all Kenyan entrepreneurs should read

You are what you read, thus entrepreneurs should read on how to succeed every day. One thing successful people have in common is that they read books to help them grow.

Mark Cuban, the Shark Tank investor says “If you are not reading, you are not curious, and if you are not curious, you are falling behind. The return on investment on books is massive. All it takes is one book to bring out the great idea.”

HerBusiness has compiled 5 books that all Kenyan entrepreneurs should read to learn a thing or two on success.

1.The E Myth: Why Most Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About it

download (1)Written by Michael E. Greber, this book is set to break down the myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs. It also demystifies the fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work of a business can successfully run a business that does that technical work.

This book shows you how possible it is for your business to run without you. It shows how to work on your business, not in it. Most entrepreneurs are creators but have no idea on how to run a business. If you are one of those business owners going crazy trying to run your business, we would recommend this fine read.

2. Radicals and Visionaries: Entrepreneurs who revolutionized the 21st century

downloadThis book profiles 70 different entrepreneurs, who changed the face of America Business. From the well-known entrepreneurs like Henry Ford, Walt Disney, to the little known entrepreneurs, this books shows how all if them were able to overcome obstacles in their lives and bring to America a new and diverse economy.

The stories profiles their businesses, how they got started, the obstacles they faced and advice to entrepreneurs. It is a motivational boost for entrepreneurs and we would advice that you read a chapter every morning t get lots of ideas and advice from it.

3. Think and Grow Rich

download (2)Whatever business you want to start, it is possible. It is all in the mind as long as you believe in yourself. It is really about convincing yourself to become wealthy. This book outlines the steps you need to take to become wealthy and the steps you need to avoid.

Why are some people wealthy? They are obsessed with being wealthy and they work for it. It took Napoleon Hill 20 year to research and interview business people and those who failed. This book is the result.

4. The Startup Playbook: Secrets of the Fastest-Growing Startups from Their Founding Entrepreneurs

download (3)The Startup Playbook is a must have for every entrepreneur who has launched a business or is planning to launch one. The book is an all-round help to an entrepreneur teaching them how to inspire people, how to persist through criticism, how to manage a growing organization, and how to think most constructively about failure.

The book profiles some of the best minds in business giving advice on the dos and don’ts in business. You will feel like you are being mentored by these entrepreneurs. They are practical with their advice as they have the experience.We recommend that you read a story everyday as you enjoy your morning coffee. It will change how you run a business.

5. The Girl’s Guide to Being a Boss (without being a bitch)

 download (4)We come from a society that will label men as ‘authoritative’ but will name a female boss ‘bitchy’. Growing up with few role models in business or in careers, most women climbing the career ladder or building their empires have no road map in charge at the office.

This book will teach you how to be opinionated without being brassy, powerful without being possessive and to have a strong voice without micro managing.

Be a boss in a positive way, a boss who leads, motivates and inspires her team.


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