5 habits of successful people you should imitate


At the start of every year we get into the habit of making resolutions. Unfortunately, it’s one of the few things we remain committed to. The reason we don’t stay faithful to our resolutions is because they are simply too ‘grandiose’. Some of them also involve an unnecessary amount of sacrifice.

You don’t need to endure then give up on your resolutions anymore. Here are 5 habits by Herbusiness you will easily stick to for a success laden lifetime.

Be time conscious

It’s about time we put the African-Time stereotype to rest. Clichéd but time really is valuable. It determines when you will finish one thing and move on to the next one. This is called progressing. Time management enables you set your priorities and enjoy a more balanced life. This also works to build your discipline and give you plenty of maneuverability in conducting your work.

Plan Ahead

This goes hand-in-hand with time consciousness. Write down the things you need to get done. Schedule your day. While we always like to proclaim how spontaneous we are, there’s no doubt that we thoroughly enjoy a life-course that doesn’t throw doubts and surprises.

Complete Tasks

I always admire how quickly the Japanese resume normalcy after their episodes of natural devastations. Meanwhile, back at home we always have a backlog of stalled projects both as a nation and as individuals. Avoid putting off obligations. It enables you to progress (seemingly, all these habits point to this) and conquer your fears.

Seek and Share Advice

I was amused by an analogy on this. It went; no candle ever burnt out for lighting another. Really says everything that can be said. To drive the point home, engaging in this improves your listening skills. It also improves our interpersonal skills and gets problems solved. Plus it creates an indebted obligation to you; that’s something.


Yes, read widely. Once you appreciate that the world isn’t black and white you’ll begin seeing that problems and solutions are based off complex interconnected occurrences.This means you’ll become ever better at the most important thing in life; solving problems.