5 must have shoes for every woman who means business

Marilyn Monroe once said, “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.” Whichever world you run, you will definitely need a pair of shoes, or more, which will help you to look the part as well as provide you with comfort.

Black Pumps

Photo: Glamour

These are a must have. In fact, they rank at the top of the list of the shoes every women entrepreneur should have. They are timeless and can be dressed up or down.


Photo: Pinterest

When you need to be down to earth and still classy, brogues will give you that edge. They are classier than the average ballet pumps and can be worn to meetings and do well when running errands.

High heel sandals

Photo: quheel

This pair of shoes is a bit risqué but you will need them for after work and networking events. They are very elegant and can be work during the day in the office for those of us who can manage.

Rain boots

Photo: Oakiwear

Why compromise your style because of the rainy season? Invest in several pairs which will maintain your style and personality, while still boosting your professional image.

Statement stilettos

Photo: Pinterest

Now these shoes are for showing off. Yes, you read that right. Depending on where you work or which industry you are in, your shoes can ooze that environment. The funkier the industry or career, the trendier, bolder and more colorful your shoes should be.