Photo: AFD

AFD Digital Challenge 2018 (prize money)

AFD Digital Challenge is open to all entrepreneurs in Africa who have developed solutions to tackle the challenge of social inclusion.

This will be the third edition of the AFD Digital Challenge. It is dedicated to reducing inequality between men and women in Africa. The challenge is by AFD (French Development Agency); a public development bank supporting over 2,500 projects in countries. Kenyan entrepreneurs have been among winners of previous innovation contests organized by AFD.

AFD Digital Challenge 2018 will be for any startup in Africa that is utilizing digital technology to offer services promoting gender equality. This is in line with the strategic focus of AFD. The Digital transition is an opportunity to further social inclusion and accelerate achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Cognizant, this challenge will be for projects with solutions, for women, in the following areas:

  • Education, vocational training, mentoring and tutoring services
  • Health services (including sexual health and reproduction)
  • Employment and professional opportunities (this includes sectors that traditionally employ men)
  • Financial services and other markets
  • Information about rights and access to judicial services
  • Access to mobility and transport
  • Deconstruction of gender stereotypes (like through media, etc.)
  • Fight against gender-based violence
  • Development of practices that do not discriminate against women

The winning startups will receive both technical and financial support. Three categories have been identified to group the contestants:

  1. AFD Digital Challenge Initiative – 2 startups in the seed phase will receive sh.1,740,000 (€15,000). This is for projects with prototype or a first product, and just entering commercialization
  2. AFD Digital Challenge Success – 2 startups in the development phase will receive sh.5,800,000 (€50,000). This is for projects that are positioned in the market, have a well established clientele and generate income to cover at least part of business cost
  3. AFD Digital Challenge Jury Award – a startup that stands out for most unique approach will receive sh.2,322,000 (€20,000)

AFD is also promising, to the winners, visibility and privileged access to a global network of partners, customers and investors. The deadline for application is 12th November, 2018.

AFD Digital Challenge

Visit the Official Webpage to learn more and apply.

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