APPLY: Call for youth agribusiness enterprises

Young people in Kenya engaged in agriculture or other agribusiness enterprises are invited to apply for technical and investment support.

The Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) are looking to support 10,000 young people engaged in agribusiness. EAFF is a non-profit regional farmers organization representing some 20 million farmers while IFAD is a United Nations agency focused on eradicating rural poverty.

The two have come together to provide technical assistance, incubation services and investment/partnership opportunities to youth groups and individuals in agriculture. All sectors of agriculture and agribusiness are eligible to apply.

This project is for the youth (aged 35 years and below) and will last for 3 years. Applicants must be citizens of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda or Burundi. The first phase will culminate in a business pitch to potential investors. A national and regional knowledge-sharing platform will also be established to help youth in agriculture access information and opportunities.

Applicants should include the following when making their applications​:

  • Name of enterprise
  • Contact person details
  • Goals, objectives or justification
  • Business plan
  • Management structure (in the case of youth groups)
  • Revenue and cash flow (including break-even and return-on-investment)
  • Risks and mitigation
  • Expected impact
  • Business registration certificate and list of members if it’s a group application

EAFF will help unregistered groups complete the process. Deadline for application is 6th June, 2018. Send it to EAFF Secretariat Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Program via

Visit the official website to learn more.