Apply: The Next Economy program to impart skills to Kenyan youth

The Next Economy is a program will support youth in Kenya to acquire skills for employment or entrepreneurship. It’s been made possible by the combine efforts of Nailab, SOS Kenya, SOS Netherlands and 1% Club Netherlands.

This program was first launched in 2016 in Mali, Nigeria and Somalia and has so far supported 850 young people. A pilot program is now set to run in Nairobi and its environs; then later roll out to more regions in Kenya from 2018.

The Next Economy program is anchored on Sustainable Development’s Goal (SDG) number 8. It seeks to contribute to creation and growth of decent work and economic development through encouragement of entrepreneurship and enhancement of employability skills. This is in a bid to reduce poverty and achieving full productive employment and work opportunities for women and men by 2030.

Focus will be on 2 main pillars: basic life skills training and transfer of useful employability skills to increase the chances of Kenyan youth in getting employment.

The Next Economy also supports early stage startups and entrepreneurs in Kenya through one on one support, coaching and crowdfunding for the businesses through the “Grow your business pillar.


Young people with a basic secondary school certificate, ages 19-30 years, who have a vision of sharpening their skills for the job market or have a business or aspire to have a business in both the formal and informal sector are eligible to apply for the program.

This program will run from the month of May through to December with key milestones being:

  • May-June: Application and selection of participants
  • July to September: Basic life skills training
  • October to December: Employability training co-currently with entrepreneurship training
  • December: Crowdfunding for set businesses in the entrepreneurship training track

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  1. Good afternoon next Economy kenyan program, am James Wambugu Njeri from bosnia mailisaba all i wanted to say is that am lower primary school leaver but am able to understand the issue of the said program. I would again advice you that you don’t have only to rely to the people who only attained form four education. Because if you say that you are empowering only the youth who reached that, here in Africa especially in kenya then you are because here the who ar e suffering most didn’t even gone to class three. Now despite been a Standard four am 29 years of age am couraged and started a youthful selfhelp group. For that matter i would request to join that and help impact the knowledge and skills to upcoming generation for their better future. I like it s much.

  2. what did you said about people like me? for if you realy mean your is right for the youth. like now am listening to ghetto radio brekko with wangeci and you next economy officials imagine here we are jobless bu we have many creative ideas for the vision of our lives. me and my group we want to be in farming sector

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