Photo: Sinapis

Attend Sinapis free workshop for women entrepreneurs

Sinapis is organizing a free workshop for women entrepreneurs to discuss their experience in business and find ways forward.

Sinapis is a business accelerator that equips entrepreneurs with advanced and practical business training. This comes with mentorship on ethical business practice.

To end April, they are organizing a workshop for women entrepreneurs themed “Successfully Growing Your Business as a Female Entrepreneur.”

A broad range of topics will be discussed including really important ones like; overcoming the key hurdles women in Kenya face when growing their businesses and things you need to stop doing to enjoy more success.

You will also be equipped with resources to take you to the next level. Sinapis has realized the importance of women entrepreneurs sharing information among themselves. All this will be free.

These discussions will be headlined by a panel of accomplished women:

  • Judith Owigar – Founder Juakali Workforce and Co-founder Akirachix
  • Terry Mungai – Founder, CEO of Ashleys Salons & Beauty College
  • Pat Okello – Founder, CEO of Willart Production and also an Author

Attendance for this Sinapis workshop will be free and held at Daystar University (DAC Building, Auditorium) this Saturday 28th April, 2018. It will last from 8am to 1pm.

Don’t miss out!

RSVP: or 0724 789 337.

You can also check out the Sinapis Official Website to learn more about their work.

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