5 boxes to tick before you become an entrepreneur

Before you become an entrepreneur you wish to be assured that you are making the right plunge. Well, you can never be too sure but HerBusiness has listed some ground you can cover before opening that business.

Money matters

The language of capitalism is money. You must show financial literacy not only concerning your personal finances but also concerning your business. When you become an entrepreneur you will be concerned with getting funding that you may factor how much you will need. Businesses collapse because of being undercapitalized. In that challenging early phase, you’ll need money to operate before you rake in the revenue.

On top of this, you have to be comfortable with following up on payments, dealing with clients, suppliers, et cetera. You will also need to learn which loan is good for you and which isn’t.


You already know that you won’t really be your own boss (sorry). Can you handle the rigours of business now that you’ve decided to become an entrepreneur? It’s not the smoothest road so you have to be prepared mentally and emotionally to deal with obstacles. If you give up too fast and don’t know when to persist you need to develop these traits.

As an entrepreneur, you have to be resourceful and willing to learn new skills. Your primary expertise won’t be enough. You are in charge and, initially, everything will depend on you. Be prepared to put in the shift.

Don’t compare

You need no introduction on the consequences of keeping up with the Kardashians, err…Joneses. That piece of wisdom will also come in handy in your entrepreneurial life. Don’t compare yourself with others. It doesn’t matter if you started at the same time or you feel you work harder. Just keep to your goals and motivation from within you. The peace of mind is worth it.

There’s no perfect time

Fight your doubts. Fight the naysayers. Don’t wait around for planets and stars to align before you implement your vision. You will always find one more thing that is not in order. If you have an idea and the minimum resources required, pursue your dream.

Support system

Importantly, have a crew around you. You will be surprised how beneficial this is as you become an entrepreneur. On one hand you have your personal relationship; family, friends, partner. They will give you a shoulder to lean on and drive you to go get them. Conversely, you will also need to maintain professional relationships. From them you’ll get advice and mentorship.


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