
Breaking the Chains of Commodity Dependence – UNCTAD

15 - 16 July 2016
Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Amphitheatre
Nairobi, Kenya


UNCTAD will hold the 7th Global Commodities Forum on 15 and 16 July in Nairobi, as an integral part of UNCTAD 14.

Under the theme of Breaking the chains of commodity dependence, participants will discuss how commodity-dependent developing countries can adapt to the twin shocks of lower commodities prices and shrinking demand from emerging economies, so as to realize their national objectives and the 2030 Agenda.

The Forum is a free, public platform to debate critical issues at the intersection of commodities and development. It helps frame international policy discussions on commodities and features developing countries’ challenges and experts. A multi-stakeholder dialogue, the Forum attracts high-level decision makers and experts from the public, private and civil society sectors.

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