I bet that Christine Khasinah-Odero knows more about marketing than you do. And she is putting this knowledge to good use in her business, Supamamas. You may learn a thing or two from her interview.
1.Tell us about your business
Supamamas is an Events and Marketing Company that provides a platform for companies to connect and market to mothers. It is also for mothers to meet-up, network and learn from invited experts and speakers. Supamamas is about empowering mothers to be the best they can be in their personal and professional lives.
Events organized by Supamamas are held regularly and vary in theme. Some of the topics we cover include; pregnancy, birth, nutrition, baby safety, skin care and sleep. We also hold events that focus on the mother such as self-care, self-love, breastfeeding, pampering events, personal branding, entrepreneurship, financial planning, networking, fitness and wellness, mentorship, family fun days and many more.

Any topic you can think of that mothers are interested in – we are able to conceptualize and put together an event around it.
In the past 5 years we have organized 48 events attended by on average 5,000 mums/women mainly in Nairobi, Mombasa and recently in Kisumu.
Apart from events, the company shares useful parenting content on its main online platforms – Facebook and Website – where companies that target mothers also advertise. Supamamas currently has a following of over 70,000 fans on social media and the website gets an average of 5,000 hits per month.
I started Supamamas to provide information and create events that would bring mothers together so they can improve various aspects of their lives, network and connected to brands and companies. The idea of Supamamas came to me after I become a mother, in 2010, and I was looking for a support system and a source of advice and inspiration.
My Background in Marketing also helped. I am an MBA Marketing Graduate from Liverpool University, BCom – Marketing USIU and held jobs in Marketing before going into business. I wanted to start a platform that would make a difference and at the same time generate income as a business – offering value to companies as well as mothers.
2.How did you raise funds to start?
Initially from friends.
3.What’s your biggest achievement so far?
My biggest achievement so far is having stayed consistent. Building a business from concept and seeing it take form. Most importantly, the feedback that I get from the mums who come for the events on the impact the platform has had on them – either from the invited speakers or people they met at the events – has been mainly positive. To see brands build their reach through Supamamas is also something I am proud of. We have worked with many brands across many industries, including local and global brands.
4.What do you now know that you wished you knew before you started?
To be honest I have no regrets. Every mistake or mishap, including some ideas I tried that didn’t work, has created an opportunity to learn and grow. My motto is “fail forward faster and keep growing”. I give myself permission to keep trying and seeing what works.
→Click to visit Supamamas Website
→Click to visit Supamamas Facebook page
5.Parting shot for young Kenyan women reading this?
There is no substitute for hard work. Whatever you want to achieve, you have to put in the work. Plus, find ways to silence your inner critic. There is nothing you can’t achieve if you truly put your mind to it. Believe.
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