Ecobank Fintech Challenge

Ecobank Fintech Challenge 2017 for tech entrepreneurs

Ecobank Fintech Challenge is a competition for African tech innovators and entrepreneurs to contribute in the development of solutions for the continent’s finance sector.

The challenge will focus on the following 10 areas:

  1. Predictive analysis using big data’
  2. Agency banking
  3. Secured client authentification
  4. Apps to work without internet connectivity
  5. KYC technology
  6. Customer analytics
  7. Credit scoring
  8. Micro Loan system
  9. User experience optimizing solutions using machine learning and AI
  10. Blockchain technology

You are allowed to submit applications covering more than one of these focus areas. 20 applicants will be selected to pitch their idea at the Ecobank Innovation Fair, slated for May 2017 in Lome, Togo.

Beside the chance to get up to $500,000 (sh.52,000,000) in funding, you will also be gaining access to Africa’s biggest banking ecosystem in Ecobank. You will also have access to mentoring and the opportunity to launch in the 36 countries within Ecobank’s ecosystem.

The deadline for applying for this year’s Ecobank Fintech Challenge is April 14th. You can apply today by simply following this link.

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