The Principal Things for Young People in Africa

Episode Six: The Principal Things for Young People in Africa

HerBusiness is sharing a self development & empowerment series, by Javnyuy Joybert for young people in Kenya who want to succeed in business and other aspects of life. This is the sixth instalment of the series.

Read the previous episodes:

Hi great people I want to thank you so much for reading and following up carefully on this series which is a huge part of my experiential knowledge, The Principal Things For African Young People. I have received countless emails and Facebook messages from you wonderful readers across Africa asking more questions, seeking more help and appreciations. Keep them coming, keep reading and practice what you learn. Remember hope is hopeless without action.

In this episode i will talk about failure. The fear of failure is such a big problem among young people across Africa. A lot of young people have quit on their dreams because they want to avoid failure, millions of them give countless excuses daily why they can start that business or embark on that dream because they want to avoid failure, as well as many young people are satisfied and have settled with average success because they are unwilling to take to the risks of failing. The fear of failure has already defeated millions of young Africans; it does you no good at all to be afraid of failure. When you fear failure, you don’t achieve your goals.

The truth is most mistakes or failures are not as bad as they seem, come on keep calm, take a deep breath and keep moving towards your dreams. If you can let go of your fear of failures or mistakes and put in all your best, total commitment, and courage towards that goal or dream, there are high chances that you will find some degree of success.

You will become unstoppable if you learn to move forward with your dreams despite your fear of failures. The antidote for fear is action.

My dear friend fear is definitely responsible for why you are not able to move forward. Therefore see every situation as a chance to grow and learn not as a chance to fail. In the journey of success and greatness fear is definitely part of the experience, but make sure your fears of failures don’t hold you back from achieving that goal or dream.

About the Author

Javnyuy Joybert is a Social Entrepreneur, Empowerment Coach, Public Speaker and a dynamic, prolific and strategic Entrepreneurship/Business Management Trainer/consultant and a personal efficiency strategist. More of his profile is on the Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) website.

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