FIRE Africa: Fund for Internet Research and Development grant

The Fund for Internet Research and Development – FIRE Africa – is one of Africa’s leading Grants and Awards programmes designed to encourage, support and develop innovative online solutions to Africa’s education, information, infrastructure and communication needs.

The 2016 FIRE Africa Grant Application round is open until 31 May and, with over US$240,000 worth of funding to distribute, all Africa-based projects, organisations or start-ups whose work falls into the following categories are encouraged to apply:

  • Technical Innovation
  • Community Development
  • Online Government enhancement
  • Education
  • Internet Security
  • Access provision
    Access Provision

Project proposals from African-based public or private sector organizations, universities, or research and development institutions and non-government organizations will be considered. Individuals are not eligible. All applications must be aligned with the specific Grant’s objectives, eligibility criteria, and administrative guidelines.

FIRE Africa actively encourages Francophone, Lusophone, female-led projects, projects originating in post-conflict countries, and projects that support isolated communities. We also encourage projects that use technology to address the specific challenges faced by women and girls, disabled people or marginalised groups.

Find out more about the 2016 Grant Cycle here.

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