Free leadership development program for young women

Young Kenyan women are invited to participate in the AIMS-Women in Innovation leadership development program, to be conducted from June 26th, in Kigali, Rwanda. As a participant, you’ll benefit by acquiring skills to assure progress in your career. The program is designed for women who wish to pursue a career in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). The number of Kenyan women in STEM is still low.

Beside career skills, you will also develop your communication and leadership skills. In addition to getting an opportunity to form peer and mentor relationships. The core modules to be delivered to you and other participants are:

  • career training
  • self-empowerment and critical thinking
  • building a career while having a family
  • 4th industrial revolution skills
  • women’s health

To be eligible for this program, you must be a recent university graduate (having completed your bachelor degree by June 2017), you should be available to travel to Rwanda between June 24th and 1st July, 2017. You should also have a passport valid for 6 months at the time of departure, to Rwanda, and have a working knowledge of English.

Deadline for application is June 5th, 2017. You better start applying here today.

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