Global Good Fund

Global Good Fund social entrepreneurship Fellowship Program

The Global Good Fund social entrepreneurship Fellowship Program is accepting applications.

The Global Good Fund is accepting applications for its 2017 Fellowship Program cohorts. The Fellowship is a 15-month program supporting leadership development of young social entrepreneurs across the world.

It invests in young leaders to tackle global social challenges. The Global Good Fund pairs them with executives who act as coaches.


  • Demonstrated leadership and growth potential;
  • Candidate is committed to social impact and is driving significant change;
  • The enterprise that the candidate leads is at least one year old;
  • The enterprise must have at least one full-time employee in addition to the candidate;
  • Candidate is coachable – embraces honest feedback and desires to improve;
  • Candidate actively mentors and invests in team members or other individuals;
  • The enterprise is or will be financial sustainable (50% or more of the budget is generated revenue).
  • Under 40 years of age (if older, explain rationale for Fellowship).

The application deadline is 20th June, 2016 and comprises 4 parts:

Global Good Fund selection

Go apply and learn more here.

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