Are you running a small enterprise in agribusiness, manufacturing or the service industry? And have you ever heard about the Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA)?
The Micro and Small Enterprise Authority and is a state corporation established under the Micro and Small Enterprise Act No. 55 of 2012. The Act was developed through a stakeholder’s consultation process which took several years. The Authority is now domiciled in the Ministry of Industry,Trade and Co-operatives
Their mission is to promote the development of competitive and sustainable Micro and Small Enterprises as well as create globally competitive businesses.
The Authority aims to:
- Create conducive working environment for MSEs
- Enhance MSEs access to markets
- Enhance entrepreneurial and technical skills the MSE sector
- Develop and promote gender participation and inclusion of Vulnerable groups
- Establish and implement legal, regulatory and operational mechanisms for the MSE sector
- Enhance coordination of sector players and facilitate integration of programmes and activities relating to MSEs
- Establish proper management and mobilization of financial resources
- Embrace Information Communication Technology in all sectors of the Authority
- Attract, develop and retain competent staff and
- Enhance corporate image
- The Authority recognizes the Government efforts on industrialization, job creation and particularly through Micro and small enterprise development in the following areas.
Growth and Development
- Create one million new jobs
- Create reliable energy infrastructure by extending the National grid network and promoting renewable energy
- Implement Buy Kenyan Policy for both Government and Parastatals where Kenyan goods and services are accorded first priority
- Poverty eradication
- Make Kenya the continents manufacturing and technology hub
- Make Kenya the preferred gateway to Africa for foreign investors and home to a thriving army of local entrepreneurs
- Help to unleash the business potential of all Kenyans
If you are in the above sectors, contact them and see how your businesses can be supported.