How: promoting agribusiness entrepreneurship in Kenya

Agribusiness entrepreneurship in Kenya

The development of agribusiness is tied to development of agriculture. Thus, steps to promote the former will expectedly affect the latter. Today, we look at how the Government can play a role in promoting agribusiness entrepreneurship in Kenya.

You can read, the precursor, on why the Kenyan Government should promote agribusiness entrepreneurship.

The number one condition to satisfy to realize progress is land reforms. This is the basis of agricultural and rural development of any country in the world. While Kenya has undertaken steps towards land reforms; there has been little change to the status quo.

For land reforms to be effective they have to be radical. This is very difficult to achieve in Kenya thanks to the capacity of vested interests that benefit from the vice of land grabbing. It will take quite something to bring change. We missed a chance when the British Government funded our Government to buy back land from the settlers; in the immediate post-colonial period.

If right of access to land is achieved, as well as sustainable land use, agriculture can prosper and agribusiness will be cultivated from it (pun intended).

Agribusiness entrepreneurship in Kenya cannot develop without bringing women and youth into the fold. Right and ease of access to land must especially benefit these two groups. Rural development depends on them.

Furthermore, to make agribusiness attractive to young people the Kenyan Government must undertake the mother of all PR campaigns (or whatever you want to call it). It is possible. Who can say they’ve forgotten the drive to fight stigma against HIV/AIDS?

It is not enough to make it cool to young people. There must be education in order to foster innovation. We cannot be depending on rain alone to feed ourselves, just over a decade to 2030. This education initiative can be undertaken as part of imparting skills to agribusiness entrepreneurs.

It can also be done through giving it a prominent role in the curriculum as part of an education system reform.

Lastly is the key issue of financing agribusiness entrepreneurship in Kenya. Not just by improving access to credit. Capital is still the biggest headache to business people in this sector. There is also a need to do this by making the sector more profitable. The Kenyan Government should play its role and actively support the people creating jobs; entrepreneurs.

Improving infrastructure relating to agriculture and agribusiness is one thing that can be done. It is also necessary to have subsidy. Many will say it is a waste of money but protection of agriculture should receive the same prominence as national security. All the free-market wealthy nations subsidize and aggressively protect their farmers.

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