Hubcubation entrepreneurs training program

Hubcubation is an intensive 6-months program helping you to invest your efforts where it matters most: growing your business to gain a competitive edge by building a strong and stable customer base – as the saying goes: the best investors are your customers.

After the program, you will be confident that your business is going to sustain itself thanks to the right products you are offering to the right customers at the right price. You will have learned how to grow your one (wo)man show to become a team manager with a vision for the future.

You will have linked up with matching investors if required. The building blocks focus on strategy – leadership – finance – marketing & sales – product development – distribution – after sales support – processes & procedures.

Hubcubation is set up as a program for starting entrepreneurs whose business has been in operations for less than 2 years. The unique methodology guides entrepreneurs through the operationalisation and commercialisation of their enterprise. The program consists of three elements:

  • Building Blocks : bi-weekly workshops inspired by content from world leading business schools where you learn about the strategy and operations of running a business. These workshops are hands-on as it combines theory with case studies with the aim to apply it to your business practice.
  • Networking: the key pilar of the program is to team you up with people who are relevant for you and your business. The networks include both high profile business and thought leaders as well as other relevant connections like potential customers and partners. Networking happens both in group settings (eg. business breakfasts), as well as individually tailored to your business needs.
  • Mentoring : both during as well as up to 6 months after the program you will get one-on-one support from experienced mentors to guide you through your journey. In addition they offer you our signature shadowing program, where we team you up with best in class entrepreneurs to open your mind and reset your standards to attain that higher level.

The program starts on 11 April 2016. Applications must be made through our sign-up form before midnight on Sunday 3 April. Join the Information Session on 1 April for more information.

Fee is 45,000 excluding desk space, 75,000 including desk space for the full 6 months (payment in installments possible, contact us for the possibilities).

Check out the program website.

For any further questions, visit Hubcubation offices on Waiyaki Way, contact or call the team on 0790 499 022.

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