Lessons on personal financial goals almost always come back to accumulating cash. The gurus figure, being rich will require less discipline than saving and spending less. One way to accumulate money is investing. Starting a business is one means to the end.
But Kenyans do get stuck here. What business should you start? Will blog lists of business ideas work for you? See our lists on farm produce value addition. Should you ask on social media? Ask friends? Perhaps, you can buy business plan PDFs and make an inductive decision. Doesn’t seem straightforward.
Especially when you add that law about business ideas. The one about early birds catching worms. A dude who has a tip to help you around this is Jack Ma. He said a lot of things in his public lecture in Nairobi. One was about how you should solve problems in front of you. That’s where inspiration, that others “just don’t get,” comes from. Can you imagine spoilt Nairobi middle classers figuring out the brouhaha about eco-friendly toilets? Don’t lie. They can’t.
With the tip in mind, you’ll find that coming up with business ideas becomes a relatively simple process. I would dare say, as simple as ABC. And, anyway it shouldn’t be hard. The work should be turning your idea into a business opportunity, a proven concept. Preferably, one that can scale and be replicated.
So, how do you go about it? It’s all on the infographic below: