Choosing a co-founder

Nail it when it comes to mentorship for your startup

As an entrepreneurs you want to avoid overlooking something many others do; mentorship for your startup. The free advice is your ultimate card for dealing with the new challenges you come across.

Mentorship for your startup is one of the underrated aspects of being an entrepreneur. It is an invaluable access to the experience of business. Like all things entrepreneurship you want to get this right. Even if there’s no cost involved you want to get the best out of the relationship for your startup.

Relationship is the basis of good mentoring; just like networking. Off the cuff requests for mentorship will not give you much in the way of gains. It’s just too lazy to send an impromptu email, to a busier entrepreneur, asking for mentorship. Build up a relation with a mentor and determine whether you’re looking for expertise or complimentary advice.

Choosing between those two enables you to get the best quality mentorship for your startup. You will find the best fit to help you reach ‘that’ level and maneuver ‘this’ level.

You have to remember though that the best mentors are busy individuals. What does this mean? It means, first of all, that you will optimize the time your mentor avails to you. You will optimize the time to delve into specifics and most important issues your startup faces. If you’re generalizing the kind of help you need then you are okay with sending emails, here and there, to people you look up to.

Secondly, be sensible with the kind of assistance you request. The mentor is helping you at no cost out of volition. The mentor is not part of your staff. You will not always get the personalization you require or the ‘one-on-one’ you crave. Be a darling and learn to adapt to the situation.

The last tip from HerBusiness is that you must remember to maintain contact. Afterall, this is how relationships are built upon- absence will only grow fonder on your part. You can address this consistency issue by talking or meeting when possible.

Getting mentorship for your startup is will give you an edge, at times, without you knowing. Go network and get a mentor.



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