Opportunity: Emerging Enterprise Initiative

Are you a small sized to medium sized business interested in getting access to international markets or a chance to source markets at the most affordable and competitive rates?

If yes, be part of the Emerging Enterprise Initiative.

British Airways and Safaricom have teamed up to offer businesses in Kenya enough On Business points to a enjoy a free Club World business class return trip to any of British Airways’ 114 destinations and an airtime communication package worth KSHs.100,000.

This initiative not only aims to help Kenyan small and mid-sized also introduce you to British Airways On Business, a programme where you can earn points that can be used to obtain savings, discounts and upgrades on British Airways services.

You could be among the winners.

There are 5 prizes of 48,000 On Business points to be won, each prize enough for a Club World (business class) return to London. Winning companies will also receive Kshs 100,000 airtime from Safaricom.


What is the catch:  Be enrolled to at least one Safaricom Business product to qualify. Check out the business products here


Submit a business proposal through  ba.com/kenya-grants showing how your business would benefit from a Club World business class.

Deadline: 16th January 2016

All the best, Entrepreneurs!

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