Pitch With Purpose

Pitch With Purpose 2016 competition for female entrepreneurs

Pitch With Purpose pitch competition is open for submission of applications by women entrepreneurs.

Pitch With Purpose is a global pitch competition for women entrepreneurs. It’s held in partnership with Circular Board and the United Nations Foundation.

It encourages women entrepreneurs to embrace people, planet and profit in their businesses.


  • In order to qualify, companies must have at least one female founder or female CEO, and be operating for twelve months or more.
  • All entries must be received by March 18, 2016 in order to qualify.
  • Companies will be judged on scalability, impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, innovation of product/service, strength of team and overall presentation.


  • Five semi-finalists will win entry into theCircular Summit, held April 14-15, 2016, with a VIP experience that includes interacting with potential funders and startup experts.
  • Three finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their startup to a live audience and panel of esteemed judges, funders, and media at Circular Summit, for a chance to win $10,000 from Guggenheim Partners, Dell technology, participation in the Circular Board virtual accelerator, and a feature on more.com.
  • Cash : $10,000 cash, courtesy of Guggenheim Partners
  • Circular Board: Participate in the upcoming cohort of Circular Board, a 100% virtual accelerator for high-growth, scalable women-led businesses.
  • Technology : A suite of technology products, courtesy of Dell
  • Mentorship: mentorship with Elizabeth Gore, Susan McPherson and Zaw Thet
  • Media Feature: Media feature on MORE Magazine digital platform
  • Style Session: Executive styling session by Style By Malia, stylist to the Bay Area.

The deadline for Pitch With Purpose applications is March 18th, 2016. Apply and learn more.

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