Free Registration: Pitch to the Ladykillers April 2017

Pitch to the Ladykillers

The Ladykillers are experienced business women and women investors. They have experience sitting in panels and judging ideas as part of pitching competitions.

If you want to get tested on your business model and strategy, why not pitch and receive honest feedback helping you to take stock of where your business is at. Not as part of a competition, but just in a one-on-one setting because you want to test yourself, get better at sharing your vision and want to know if you’re heading in the right direction.

The date for this event is April 13th, from 1pm to 3.30pm at The Hub East Africa, Waiyaki Way.

There will be a pre-pitching workshop, on ‘How to Pitch‘, starting at 1pm. If you are interested to join this pitching workshop or want to reserve one of the six slots to pitch, contact