Nairobi Stew

Pitch your idea at Nairobi Stew

Do you have an idea for a project or business that can create change in Nairobi? If you need support to get it up and running, why don’t you pitch it at Nairobi Stew?

If you’re wondering, yes there will be a bowl of stew for you. Before that, you will explain to the gathering what your idea is about in four minutes. Topics will range from art, urban agriculture, social justice, social entrepreneurship, education, technology and anything else you have in mind. After you will participate in discussing which projects have stood out (with bowl of stew in hand).

The winning pitch will be voted for and will receive the grant raised from donations made on the day. You will report on your project’s progress in future Stew meets.

Beside the money, you will enjoy a networking session, get feedback on your idea, win volunteers for your project, among other gains. The Nairobi Stew pitch is open everyone.


  • No technology can be used during the pitch
  • Idea must be related to Nairobi

Deadline to submit your idea is 24th May, 2017 and you will know in a week’s time if you’ve been selected. The Nairobi Stew pitch is on 7th June at the Michael Joseph Center, Waiyaki Way.

Visit the official website to find out more.

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