A ray of light for women in the political space

Last week we covered the challenges women face when they are vying for a political seats and we saw the small strides women are making breaking into the political scene.

With the just concluded Kenyan elections, we have seen more and more women shine in different leadership positions.

We have at least 23 women MPs elected up from 16 in 2013. Already we have 47 women representatives and we will have another 12 nominated women from various political parties. This will bring the number to 76.

We are not there yet. We need to get to 117 or a third of 349MPs.

This is truly something to celebrate. The big win now is the three women Governors. History has been made by Ann Waiguru, Joyce Laboso and charity Ngilu as the first female Governors before.  We really hope that their Government will be represented by women.

We also have a number of women senators elected this time:

  • Margaret Kamar of Uasin Gishu
  • Susan Kihika of Nakuru
  • Fatuma Dullo of Isiolo County

The number of MPs and MCAs has significantly increased from the last election in 2013. However, more needs to be done  to challenge our parliament to implement the two-thirds gender rule.

Despite the challenges that women have constantly faced while vying for elective offices, it is good to note that there is progress, slow but still progress.

My challenge to the women who now hold these offices is the following

Pull more women into the space. Share with them the lessons you have learned while in the campaign trail and while negotiating for different deals. Allow them to sit at your feet and learn from you.

Mentor them. Your guidance and wisdom will be more than a job. Have time for them, especially young women who aspired to hold elective offices.Enable them to get ahead.

Give them opportunities. They say that when a woman gets an opportunity to serve, she serves fiercely and she delivers. imagine if you give 5 women the opportunity to serve in your office?

As we wait for our leaders to enact the 2/3rd gender rule, let us also do our bit as women to enable the next women gets an even better opportunity.