According to Forbes, Safaricom is listed as the best employers at number 67 in a list of 2000 companies globally. That makes Safaricom the best employer in Africa as the next African company is listed in position 224.
This is a great milestone for Safaricom as it is a homegrown company, which Kenyans take alot of pride in. This list was made up of Companies that offer great perks to their employees like extended maternity leave, gyms at work, free meals, play area for children, flexibility like working at home and so much more.
So, lets have a look at what Safaricom as a company offer their employees.
Women First
One of the things i love about Safaricom is their policy on women leadership. Did you know that Safaricom has a program to train 15 female staffers to become impactful mentors and will be matched with two mentees over a period of a year, totaling 30 future leaders. This is in line with their plans to have 50:50 senior gender representation by the year 2020. When this happens, Safaricom will be the only Company in Africa to achieve this.
Another great thing Safaricom does for women is availing a Creche for women with small kids. There are days when your nanny is away, and there are those days you just need your child around you so you can monitor them. Safaricom has a play area for children, with caregivers to look after them. This ensures the female staffers can work without constantly worrying about their children.

Safaricom as a company offers its staff with great health insurance. This includes dental and optical which many companies leave out in the package. This cover also covers interns for the time that they work there. If you are a permanent employee, your parents are also covered in the insurance.
Wellness Centre
With all the stresses of work, where do you go to just unwind. As an employee of Safaricom, you have a place to just put off the steam. Exercise, sweat it out. This ensures the physical well being of the employee. This is good for both the employee and the company, as a refreshed employee is much more productive.
Great working environment
If you have ever been to the safaricom offices, you will agree that the environment is really a happy place. The set up is not a normal office where there are just chairs and desks. there are plenty of stations for coffee, snacks, game .
The employees also get tea twice a day an on Fridays, they get to have snacks. There is also a bus that picks and drops employees home to ensure they get to work and home safe.
With all these benefits , plus more that i have not mentioned, i understand how Safaricom is listed by Forbes as no 67 best company to work for in the world. The best in Africa.
Congratulation Safaricom, for putting your employees first.
Pic: Capital FM