seif awards

seif Awards 2016 for social entrepreneurship

Are you a social entrepreneur? Then apply for the seif Awards 2016 and stand to win one of four prizes of 10,000 Swiss Franc. Deadline is only a few days away.

The seif Awards are open to social enterprises from all corners of the globe. In 2016, they will be running for the sixth year of rewarding the most innovative social enterprises.

You stand a chance to be a seif Awards winner if your enterprise shows its social impact and is supported by a sustainable business model. You will win 10,000 Swiss Franc in one of these 4 categories:

  • Suva award for integration and prevention
  • UBS award for entrepreneurial innovation
  • pwc award for future trends
  • seif award for social entrepreneurship

Prepare the following as you submit your application:

  • Your company logo and an abstract that describes your project (max. 300 characters)
  • Name, contact information, photo (optional) and date of birth of one founding team member
  • Your funding story (max. 1000 characters), a project description (max. 7000 characters) and a description of your impact (max. 300 characters)
  • Your business plan (15-25 pages)


The application deadline is 30th June, 2016. You should start on your submission today. Apply here.

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