Send to Western Union through MPESA

I remember the days we would queue up at the Western Union at Nation Centre, fill papers with your information, get a secret code and finally send some money, or receive.

Years later, it is now as simple as using your phone and sending money to loved ones abroad.

M-PESA global is a service that enables M-PESA registered customers to send and receive money globally.

M-PESA customers will be able to send funds;

  1. To East Africa: Rwanda, Tanzania & Uganda
  2. Globally: To millions of Bank accounts and over 500,000 Western Union locations globally.
  3. Paypal: Access funds quickly and shop around the world with PayPal mobile money service with M-PESA.

M-PESA registered customers will receive the funds from abroad on their M-PESA account.

Accessing the service

Customer JOURNEY – *840#

  • Dial *840#
  • Select Opt in
  • Read Terms and conditions
  • Accept / Decline
  • Enter M-PESA PIN
  • Then Wait for confirmation SMS

Also, note that the recipient will receive funds in their country’s currency.

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