Kendesk Services

Sharon Adisa: Herbusiness entrepreneur of the week

Sharon Adisa runs Kendesk Services. She handles brands and is also a social media manager. Read about her business and her advice for you.

1.Tell us a bit about your business

I run Kendesk Services, which is a Social Media Management and Branding platform for businesses and busy professionals. We offer social customer support services because we believe businesses are moving online, where majority of the customers are. Gone are the days when people used to look for brands, today brands are trying to see how they can get to you even before you leave your bed; and we believe that that can be achieved through Social Media.

Our services are: Social Media Management, Branding, Digital Consultancy and Multichannel customer support.

We have run social media campaigns before for Nation Media, The Chamwada Report and OLX.
Through Kendesk Services, I’m currently a member of The Kakamega County Branding Taskforce where we are overseeing the implementation of Brand Kakamega for the next three years.

2.How do / did you raise funds for your business?

I had saved some money from my previous job, and then a friend also contributed some funds that I used as my startup capital.

3.What do you think is the most important thing a start-up needs to be a success?

Do what you’re passionate about, something you wake up to every morning and feel fulfilled at the end of the day; whether youre getting money from it at that time or not. It might start as a side hustle but it should eventually be your full time job. When you feel like you make a difference in people’s lives, it becomes so much more than a job.

Also strive to have a unique identity. Have that unique value proposition for your business because thats what sets you apart from your competition.

4.What do you now know that you wished you knew before you started your business?

I wish I had actualized my idea as soon as I thought about it. Outsourcing Social Media Management services was really on demand, and still is, though I sat on the idea for a long time before putting it down to work.

5.What advice would you give a young woman who wants to venture into business?

If you have an idea, go ahead and put it to work. The more you sit with it, the more chances you give others to overtake you and actualize it. As you plan to venture into business, always Strive to be the person that people count on. As a woman, have the confidence to take more risks early on, even if it means that you might trip along the way, because ultimately you will learn from those experiences.

Check out Kendesk Services Official Website

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