Start-up accelerator Nest Nairobi #WhatNext Ag Tech Forum


What: #WhatNext Ag Tech

Who: Nest Nairobi

When: 27th January, 2016

Where: Strathmore Business School

Nest Nairobi organizes its monthly entrepreneurship forum on 27th January, 2016. The event will take place from 1700 to 2000hrs EAT.

Nest Nairobi is a start up accelerator. They will partner with Kenya Climate Innovation Center (Kenya CIC) for their January forum. The meet will be held at Strathmore Business School, Nairobi.

Kenya CIC is involved in “development, deployment and transfer of locally relevant climate technology.

The Keynote speaker will be Kenya CIC CEO, Edward Mungai. Zeynab Wandati of NTV Kenya will moderate the panel.

Here is the full list of the panel:

Linda Kwamboka- Co-founder Mfarm ltd

Grant Brooke- CEO Twiga foods

Munyutu Waigi- Co-founder Umati Capital

Stefano Carcoforo- CEO & Co-founder iProcure Africa

Marion Moon- MD Wanda Organics

Charles Odida- Farmer

Chris Kolenberg- Director Marketing & Sales at Kenya Biologic.

Checkout more eventbrite for more information.