
Will the future be proud of your business idea?

Welcome to 2016, a year where business is no longer as usual and more strong ladies are rising into all forms of Entrepreneurship.

Is Climate Change a far away concept emerging markets should not concern themselves with, and as such swim in ignorance, till that very preventable concern hits us? No, we are not going to wait till it gets here; we will ensure it never gets here.

Some emerging markets already experiencing these signs will tell you it’s not pretty and I won’t bore you with details. The future we are working for, the children we intend to leave a legacy of businesses for will tell you they are too sick to run the business.

Our management which is so firm now will weaken due to limited resources and all the pollution we infused into the environment while developing million-dollar products and services will come back to haunt us, our families, communities and countries.

The world will get so dark that no one will care about our innovations, and history will be too ashamed to add our names to its books because the disadvantages of our enormous contribution far outweighs the benefits in the long haul. Sad future right?

Make a list of countries already in that phase and the list is quite long.

This brief on Climate Change it to draw our attention to how our ideas, processes of production, packaging and delivery can affect the environment. If you plan to run that business for a lifetime then the effects will be more.

With the belief that we are all here to make the world better, not worse, the  way to ensure that is to not be ignorant. To incorporate sustainability into every business or idea we develop from the onset.

Sustainability or Going Green is simply ensuring that you start and finish with little or no damage to the ecosystem, and this requires research. If a certain kind of material or process is needed to make your product you should be certain it has little or no side effects; if not so think again.

The idea is to create alternative ways to do the same thing but in a greener and safer way. Going green is not just about writing with green coloured ink all over a product, sourcing raw materials from its most natural state, It is ensuring every aspect of your business is completed with very little or no negative effect on the ecosystem.

And that is my call to you today; let the future be proud of your business and innovations.


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