To register a business in Kenya you have to weave through a set of procedures that are, unfortunately, not in...
Administrative duty is most of what you will be doing as an entrepreneur; includes paying and keeping up with taxes...
Didn’t have time to catch up with all of the week’s news stories? Relax, follow Herbusiness summary and commentary of...
Didn’t have time to catch up with all of the week’s news stories? Relax, follow Herbusiness summary and commentary of...
Busy week didn’t give you time to catch up with all of the interesting news items? Relax, HerBusiness will be...
The High Court has temporarily suspended a gazette notice which was to effect imposition of excise stamp on bottled water,...
Kenyan Manufacturers will need more time to comply with the Kenya Revenue Authority’s (KRA) excise stamp regulation to be effected...
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has extended the reach of its Electronic Goods Management System (EGMS) in announcing additional products...
Commercial small scale farmers in Kenya will now be required to pay taxes similar to government and private sector employees....