Any business of any size needs to establish the long term path the enterprise is set to tread, in the...
Once you have settled on a business idea, you want to know which type of strategy to choose to assure...
It’s an open secret that new businesses in Kenya fail. It’s a global phenomenon though. It has little to do...
The actions of women entrepreneurs in management are influenced by two things. First, you have biases from cultural and social...
While it can be exciting, owning and running a business can also be a nerve wreck. This is especially true...
One of the administrative tasks you are supposed to be involved in, as an entrepreneur, is preparing financial forecasts. But...
It feels good to be back her on HerBusiness and my very first piece for you today is a summation...
A management style is summary of specific behaviors exhibited by managers. There are hundreds of theoretical models describing what makes...
Top down or bottom up? If you’re the former you have probably been described as one who likes to come...