If you are a millennial and have an idea that could shake up the world, apply for TEDx Johannesburg 100 Ideas 100 Millennials program to push it to the next level.
This initiative is in celebration of 100 years since Nelson Mandela stepped out to shake the world. Now, 100 millennials will be selected to form a cohort activating the TEDx Johannesburg 100 Ideas 100 Millennials mentorship program 2019. Anyone born after 1984, and based in any city of Africa is invited to apply.
Applicants should be able to commit to the year-long, January to December 2019, mentorship program. Apart from this kind of support, the group selected will be guaranteed tickets to TEDx Johannesburg 2018. This TEDx event will be happening on 30th November, 2018.
The 100 ideas will be profiled at the event. It will also be an opportunity to tap into the network and expertise that will be on show at TEDx Johannesburg 2018. Applicants will get a chance to win double tickets to the Global Citizen Festival: Mandela 100, which will happen in Joburg on 2nd December, 2018.
The following requirements should be met in order to be selected for TEDx Johannesburg 100 Ideas 100 Millennials mentorship program:
- Ideas should be doable, scalable and replicable, and which response to the most pressing challenges as defined by the UN SDGs
- Ideas should create wealth, jobs or introduce new thinking that changes paradigms, shifts horizons
- Ideas can manifest in the form of products, services, campaigns or powerful new initiatives
Are you itching for this? Good. Deadline for application is soon enough. Complete your application by 30th October, 2018 on the official website.