UBS Social Innovators 2016

UBS Social Innovators 2016 program for social entrepreneurs

If you are a social entrepreneur, apply for UBS Social Innovators 2016. The program is supported by Ashoka; the World’s largest network of social entrepreneurs.

UBS and Ashoka have partnered for UBS Social Innovators 2016. This program will support social entrepreneurs addressing poorly met social needs, thus transforming society through their work.

Application is open to entrepreneurs from three regions; one of which includes Africa. Successful applicants will receive a grant. There will be funded trips to London and Switzerland. Ashoka and UBS will also avail opportunities for mentorship and an accelerator program.


Selection criteria

  • Innovative– your product, service or technology must be an innovative solution to a particular challenge
  • Sustainable– your business model should have the potential to be financially sustainable
  • Scalable– your concept should be proven and you should be driven to expand it
  • Impactful– you create long term positive impact and you are committed to evaluating that impact
  • Compelling– you are able to deliver a compelling vision while actively engaging relevant stakeholders
  • Compatible– you are a good match with UBS values and the aims of UBS Social Innovators 2016

Learn more about the UBS Social Innovators program and apply on the official website. Deadline for applications is 31st August, 2016.

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