Women, Words & Wine 7

Drink wine and talk business with other women at the 7th gathering of Women, Words & Wine; to be held this coming month.

Women, Words & Wine brings together women from diverse professions; whose friendships/networks are an integral part of their success.You will be offered the best variety of wine in an environment full of tender words and entertainment.

13000366_1232287826789387_3340647320038387838_nThe event will be held at Jacaranda Hotel on 4th May, 2016 from 6pm to 9pm.

The theme is ‘Entrepreneurship: Building a successful brand’ and will feature these personalities:

  • Tabitha Karanja, CEO, Keroche Breweries
  • Rita Kavashe, MD, General Motors
  • Irene Wanjiku,MD, Rexe Roofing products.

Women, Words & Wine Patron will be radio personality, Caroline Mutoko.

Book your ticket at Ksh 2,500 through MPESA paybill 89649. This is a must attend event for women in business!


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