World Summit Youth Awards 2016 for social entrepreneurs

World Summit Youth Award is a contest for young entrepreneurs who address UN Sustainable Development Goals through digital content and applications.

If you are below the age of 30, this is for you. World Summit Youth Awards is looking for applicants who seek to make a difference through social projects; via internet and mobile technology.

The impact should be on one of these categories.

Application and submission of projects to the World Summit Youth Awards (WSYA)

  • Taking part in the WSA is eligible through either of the following: (1) to be nominated by a national expert, (2) to be nominated by a National WSA Committee, established by a national expert, (3) to win at a national WSA pre-selection contest.
  • Submitting a product to the evaluation and selection process does by no means entitle a producer to any benefits. There is no way of challenging this decision legally.
  • Submission is free of charge .

Participation and submission of projects to the WSYA

  • Projects are nominated by a Youthaward Ambassador or by a former Winner . If your project is nominated, you are automatically shortlisted and in round 2.
  • The registration can be completed online via the Youthaward database . Your project will be evaluated in round 1 and only the best projects in each category will be shortlisted and in round 2.
  • The registration procedure includes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions form. By accepting submitters confirm that they are the rightful owners to the necessary rights to submit the project. These rights include the copyright, right for using pictures, sound or audio components.

Submissions guidelines

  • Submissions for the WSA 2016 can contain mobile applications, sms based products, mobile games and interactive mobile productions .There is no limitation regarding the platforms or channels the projects work with.
  • All submissions have to be launched produts. No drafts, demonstrations or unfinished projects can be accepted.
  • All submitted products must have been completed after Jan. 1, 2016. For a project or product completed earlier the submitters have to document that significant alterations and / or improvements and / or additions have been made in the period thereafter.
  • A product can only be submitted for one category. In case of multiple submissions by the same organisation, company or team, each product requires a separate registration. Submissions which have been submitted in the WSA in previous years cannot be submitted again. For a project which has been already submitted before, the submitters have to document significant alterations and / or improvements and / or additions.
  • Any submitted product must be free of offensive or plagiarized content and may not violate human rights as laid out in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and its application by international human rights courts or panels recognized by the United Nations Organization.
  • Winning project can not be submitted twice.

Deadline for applications is 15th July, 2016. Apply here for World Summit Youth Awards.

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