Young Global Leaders Class of 2016

Juliana Rotich and Mr. James Mworia are the two Kenyans graduating from the 2016 class of Young Global Leaders.

The World Economic Forum selects  the most innovative, enterprising and socially minded men and women under the age of 40 who are pushing boundaries and rethinking the world around them.

From young brilliant scientists. emerging entrepreneurs. tech investors. activist MPs, the class of Young Global Leaders gives hope that they are ready to tackle the world’s most complex and pressing challenges.

They are invited to join a community and a five-year leadership journey that  will help them break down silos, bridge cultures and use their collective skills to get things done for positive impact across private, public and civil society organizations.

imagesJuliana Rotich is a  leading tech voice in Africa. She works with Africa Technology Ventures, a US$50 million venture capital fund, propel startups in Africa to the next level. She founded Ushahidi Inc., an innovative organization makes essential crisis information available to citizens all across the world.


 download (1)James Mworia is the CEO of Centum Investments Company. He rose from being in intern to being the youngest CEO of a listed company in East Africa and regarded as one of the youngest powerful men in Africa.
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